Friday, January 16, 2009

God has called us in Christ to GO!

God has commanded all Christians to make followers of Christ in all nations. But, we are not alone Jesus promised to be with us. In Acts 1:8, we are exhorted to go in the reality that He will empower us! God is always at work everywhere. Jesus describes those that do not have a personal relationship with him as the lost sheep. So, God is at work drawing the Lost to be found in HIM!
Christians are also to be salt and light, in a world that is desperately in need of a preserving and righteous influence. The Creator and Sustainer of the universe sees and knows the hearts and minds of all his creatures. He desires for people of every tribe, and tongue, and nation to worship Him.Surely our Father weeps over the lost like Jesus wept over Jerusalem. God through the Lord Jesus Christ has provided a way to eternal life. Each person must decide to walk around God’s provision to reach eternal damnation. However; it is up to Christians to tell them. By selfishly refusing to answer the call we are siting on the thrones of our hearts, and we are blindfolded to the light and mirror of the truth, which will reveal our complacency and the needs of the lost. So who will sit on the throne of your heart; considering YOUR role in God’s plan for the Nations! With these thoughts in mind enjoy “God has called us in Christ to Go!”

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